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OCR: fint Delphi 2.0 Strings × File Edit Search View Project Run Component Database Workgroups Tools Help Standard Additional Win95 Dialogs System Data Access Data Controls A abI OK x Object Inspector Form3 x Form3: TForm3 STRINGSF.PAS X Properties Events Stringsf ActiveControl Edit1 {This character is not a delimiter so AutoScroll True see if it needs its case changed. } +Borderlcons [biSystemMenu, if delimiter then BorderStyle bsSizeable begin Caption Form3 {The preceding character was a ClientHeight 273 delimiter so if this letter is ClientWidth 42. lower case make it upper case. } Color clBtnFace if s[i] in ['a' .. 'z' ] then CH3C True s[i] := Chr (Ord (s[i]) - 32); Cursor crDefault {Set the flag to False so the next Enabled True character will be made lower case. } +Fonl [TFont] delimiter := False; FormStyle isNormal end Height 300 95: 9 Insert Start Borland Delph ... Writing Wy Microsoft Wor ... 11 Delphi32